How To Have ‘Unexpected’ Income is full of usable ideas which you can put to work now to increase your prosperity. It is the culmination of many years of helping thousands of people to prosper through learning How to Have ‘Unexpected’ Income. As it has worked for so many others, it will work for you. It will help you have many happy financial “surprises,” too! A truly fun way to prosper!
The purpose of How To Have ‘Unexpected’ Income is to cause you to get intimately in touch with the Source of all wealth, and enjoy exciting “extra” money and all the rich blessings available to you through your daily practice of expecting “unexpected” income! By reading this book, you will learn of the vast possibilities for unlimited financial income, and how to raise your monetary income to a more satisfying and lasting level.
How To Have ‘Unexpected’ Income stimulates your thinking and expands your awareness of the unlimited good the Universe has for you and is now ready for you to claim and enjoy. Now is the time for you to experience all of the happiness, good health, love, peace, and prosperity God has for you.
Daily use the Prayer-Treatment for ‘Unexpected’ Income, and buy this book.
For deeper understanding, you will find Rev. John’ book, How To Have ‘Unexpected’ Income informative and very helpful to substantially stimulate your thinking and expand your horizons. It will surely enhance your ‘Unexpected’ Income experience. You will treasure this book, and be glad you bought it!
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