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Prosperity World Headquarters . . .
The leading & best source of prospering spiritual food to nourish your soul & enrich your life
Here you will find an abundance of enlightening ideas to prosper you in all areas of your life.
This is the place for stimulating prospering ideas and inspiration to fulfill all your prosperity dreams.
We are part of the Unity Movement which has taught the Law of Attraction for over 100 years.
Everything on this website helps you apply the Law of Attraction so that you upgrade your personal prosperity. Read and prosper! Let us know how we may help you more.
Our Purpose
- To stimulate, invigorate, and upgrade your personal prosperity
- Give you proven practical ideas, inspiration, and support.
- To work with you in creating a very enjoyable life of love, peace, joy, good health, and plenty of money.
- Move into the flow of affluence, have a happier and healthier financial condition, and STAY THERE!
Our mission is to increase your abundance and the abundance of all people everywhere.
- Our main focus is on teaching vitalizing spiritual laws and principles of prosperity and their practical application for tangible results.
- True prosperity is produced from within each individual by learning and applying proven practical prosperity ideas that work.
- Through these many pages of refreshing prosperity articles, from our vast experience we share with you what has worked for us, and works for thousands of other prospering people around the world.
- Be sure and take advantage of all that we offer.
- Let us know what happens when you apply what you learn here. We love to hear good news!
What Is Abundance?
God provides everything in abundance, and so has provided abundance for you. What is abundance? Abundance means that you have such an amount of money in your possession that you never have to think about money. – Emmet Fox

You Are A Radiating Center of Divine Love
May Rowland, former director of Silent Unity, wrote:
As children of God we must be expressers of His love. If you are not attracting the good that you desire in your life, learn to express love; become a radiating center of love; and you will find that love, the divine magnet within you, will change your world.
Join with us in being radiating centers of love and expressing more love in every way to everyone and everything.
Affirm this positive prayer: I am a mighty center of divine love, now radiating love to everyone and everything.
The greatest discovery of the 19th century was not in the realm of the physical sciences, but the power of the subconscious mind touched by faith. Any individual can tap into an eternal reservoir of power that will enable them to overcome any problem that may arise. All weaknesses can be overcome, bodily healing, financial independence, spiritual awakening, prosperity beyond your wildest dreams. This is the superstructure of happiness.- William James

Receives Inspiration!
I just want you to know how inspiring your ministry is to me. Your e-Newsletters are very helpful and I especially like your websites. It is all very inspiring to me and I am constantly receiving new inspiration and ideas to put to work in my business. It gives me great pleasure to support your ministry with my tithes. I am so glad you are there and I am grateful for your prayers. – G. W. in Oklahoma
Enjoys Health & Prosperity!
I am writing to tell you that there have been wonderful results as answers to my prayer request. I am now enjoying good health, and have been promoted in my work, which gives me a substantial increase in my income. This is so wonderful! Kindly continue praying with me for achieving my goals. Thank you for all your wonderful help. – From: Ghana W. Africa
Prayer Brings Help!
Many thanks for your beautiful and encouraging letters. I wrote and asked you to pray with me for a problem with my stomach. God revealed to me what it was. I went to a health food store and bought a combination of herbs which did the trick. Now, I am feeling much better. My finances have improved, too. Thank you for praying with me. I am grateful for your wonderful ministry. – C. S. in New York
Loves Websites!
Thank you for your wonderful websites. I love them all. I am so grateful for you and all the work you put in making your websites abundant with so much spiritual food. I visit often and encourage my friends to visit, too. Thanks again! – Susan in Maryland